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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > Proposal to fix Autel Issues
Proposal to fix Autel Issues

4500 Views 11 Replies Latest reply: 2015-07-22 01:24:03

  •   Level 6   
    (680) points
    Erik Autel US
    2015-07-17 18:12:49


    As you know there is an ongoing issue with the new updates that are causing functions and/or features to be removed for the Autel units. 

     With that being said, I have talk to the support in China. I will be in charge to provide support between customers and members of Autel as well as assisting the engineers and support for Autel China.

     The main goal of the new updates are to improve the interface of the diagnostics and prevent any further litigation that comes from other manufacturers.

     Their intent is not to change or remove the features or functions. 

     Right now, the leaders and managers of Autel are very aware of the serious situation at hand and working very hard to resolve the issue in a timely fashion. 

     They are comparing the previous to current version and see what went wrong.

     To expedite the issues, I asked everyone to please email me at for the issue that you are having.

     Please provide Year, make, model, engine size, and VIN as well as serial number of scanner. For MaxiSys and MaxiDas units, please datalog and provide as much detailed description of the issue. For all other units, please provide as much as detailed description of issue as well.

     The more detail you give us on the issue, the better our support can quickly provide to fix the issue.

     Please give engineers some time to fix this issue. They will analyze the problem like the way we diagnose the problems on vehicles. 

     I will provide a list of issues for the scanners to the support team in China on a daily basis as much as possible. 

     Let’s work together as a team to get these issues resolved so we can move into bigger and better things.

     If any questions, please let me know.


    Jon-Erik Balagot

    Technical Support

    Autel US California 

  •   Level 6   
    (516) points

    2015-07-17 18:53:22 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

     Thank you for the response to our problems. I hope this is a sign of good things to come. 

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-17 21:46:47 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

          yes Erik that sounds like a brilliant Idea to me, and am sure others may support it as well. now I have a question and we talked about this and a dozen other things that you did not mentioned here but we will get to that at a later time . my main question at this time is how are we going to help you, help Autel, achieve this if our tools expired, I got 11 of them, plus 300  I helped sell. or are you telling us we need to buy updates to help you help Autel restore the software that we already paid for in full plus the purchase of the tools. or is this suggestions directed mostly for new members and not intended for us the current ones . sorry but since you did not mentioned anything I thought I asked. most of us already expired while sending data logs and posting them here on the forum  for a year, in my case 3, the reason why I have been saying for years to post here on the forum and not  to just data log it, so it can't be hidden from us. you see the chinese are not the only ones that can tell in which direction the wind is going to blow ahead of time, I have been around too, believe me, this is not my first rodeo. when we chat thru skipe  I gave you a dozen suggestions, and you had another dozen of them too but I see none here, other than to help you. all I see, and you gonna have to excuse me again but i see a tech support working for china and not us. I thought we were getting somewhere but i can see you have adopted autel's ways also. good day man. and don't count on me for anything. I don't wish to receive emails from you or anyone related to autel in this highway robbery and scams you people got going here. and one last thing if I don't see results here and soon i will take this one step further and autel is not going to like it one bit. I have fought many battles, and bloody ones. this is a peace of cake. do not piss me off any further.

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2015-07-18 17:22:26 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

    I have seen your post regarding (Proposal to fix Autel Issues) and at the same time your asking all Autel Tool users to help you in fixing the software issue by sending you or to Support Team a Data Log Files well I can understand that because we all want Autel Tool to be the best in the market...................But, now I don't understand what the hell is this System Updates with the Disclaimer Massage................? Are you or, Autel Company trying to cover them self after all the mess done by your engineers....................?

    I don't think what you or, Autel is doing is the right thing by posting this System Updates I personally advice you to ask Autel to remove this updates.............and if you don't do so than I am sure we all  will have to think about taking the next step like Mr Ede as mentioned in his reply to your post..................Which I am sure you or,Autel will not like it as they already have many cases to face before and they don't want one more case against 300 to 1500 Autel they really want to...........????

    If we members are trying to help and work as a team than I don't think you or, Autel has to be that smart and start posting some silly updates...............Instead of post some silly updates ask your engineers to concentrate on fixing the software's and post some sensible updates so we all can make our living.................In short no body wants to put Autel in trouble as no one has that silly time we all have many better things to do but, if Autel thinks they are smart by posting this System Updates.............Than they will be forcing members to start thinking of next step.......................

    Therefore think about it and lets work as a team to make this Tool number ONE !!!!

    Advice to my fellow Members !!!

    Please do not install this System Updates please see the attached picture below.....................

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-18 19:47:09 (Reply to:Ashraf)

    I knew the wolf was disguised as a sheep the whole time. from this point on any new software being released by them could and will ruin your vehicles as well as their vci interfaces. they said it not me. install software no later than august 2014 and call it a day people.  I will be selling all my autel tools on ebay very soon and i will take any offers, nothing will offend me.  live and learn .  Autel china fucked us again. 

  •   Level 6   
    (482) points

    2015-07-19 05:37:21

    Hello Mr. Erik,

    Senior professional experienced members of this forum already wrote about the issues, gave suggestions and tried to support Autel which is enough to open the eyes of Autel team but Autel is still sleeping.
    Jun.2014, Autel is officially converted into Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., Ltd.

    So, where is Autel intelligence? Why this intelligence is decaying from the software. Really, I am feeling that it's useless to write something constructive here because it seems that Autel team is not interested to grow the business in a professional way.

    You are talking about members' support. I do not want to write here because this is an open forum as decided by Autel. But as Autel needs support from the members, here is an example. I sent datalog of Hyundai/Kia because ECM was not scanned and some other fellow already mentioned the trick for a solution and I received the reply that it is not developed but I am surprised that the ECM is scanned through EOBD from the same tool. About one Vehicle I received the reply "E... engineers (a vehicle brand, I am not writing intentionally) confirmed E.. doesn't have engine system, that's why it's not there. They checked some third devices, and found they don't have that too." Can you imagine a vehicle without an engine system? The email is in my inbox.

    I am a software programmer and a hardware designer as well but not as good as Autel Engineers. I am developing a product for some earning and I know that it has a bug and I am not marketing it till that issue will be solved.

    And now "Autel Tools User Disclaimers System Updates". I am feeling that I am getting headache. See you soon Intelligent guys, and you too my fellow members. I love my Autel MaxiSys Pro. Hope you will be upgraded.

  •   Level 7   
    (1143) points

    2015-07-19 06:12:12

    Do I understand correctly you can only send logs when having an account with upgrade possibilities? So far I do have a current account so I did not notice.

    In that case, that would be a major change to be made for now, since the situation from original buying plans are completely different. The situation is calling for help from the users and you cannot ask from users to pay to help fix problems that were not there to begin with.

    For the rest; I am not half as negative as some. I do feel that Autel is aware things are not accepted that easily by the users and that they need to fix things now instead of trying to add feautures and options that are not relevant for this moment. That said, I do agree that things need to change for the better, but still I am using my tool a lot and am sending in datalagos for the things I find. Always feeling we need to stand together to get things back on track again since the basics of the tool still are way better than what I see with others.

  •   Level 7   
    (1143) points

    2015-07-19 06:26:21 (Reply to:Matronix)

     @ EDE... since you are such a major user of the MaxiSys I can understand your frustrations. You made your points and finally got the guys at Autel to take notice after you screamed so loud they could here it over in China themselves. As I understand you had direct conversation with Erik about a number of things. However; he probably is not allowed to post whatever in depth things have been discussed between you , on this open forum (one more reason to narrow it down to users only if you ask me).

    Results are that all has been brought in the open in a politically way that does put only one finger on the problem, instead of grasping the problem pile with two hands. We as users know this, the outside world does not and that might very well be why they do things this way.

    Trying to say: I really feel your irritations (anger is a better word I guess). Still I am trying to see a way out of this, because in heart, the tool is what matters to me and not Autel or the people behind it ... no offence Autel, but for me this thing needs to help me with my work, that is key. The basics are still really good, although I wish I had older sofware versions as the onces I backuped beginning of this year.

    Still hoping that the tool will be back on track, or at least will show signs of that directions, after we all push more and more data towards Autel.

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-07-20 04:26:43 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

     That's the spirit. Good work

    Jon-Erik Balagot. 

    If you or Autel need my help, please be free to contact me. I live in Portugal, Europe, so we have different cars and different problems.

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-20 06:23:27 (Reply to:Pedro)

     what good spirit is that pedro. has you joint the mob also, everything Erik has said is a lie, or is he bullshiting you too, how much is autel paying you to spread all that crap around you seem to think is knowledge or are you calling me a liar. for some one to talk all that smack it has to be either under autel's payroll or simply is blind or want to be blind  about everything going on  here. if they gave you different software to shut you up, don't be coming here saying this and that work cuz  they don't. you are the only person here that thinks shit works. I am in usa and all the vehicle's software here has been trashed, including all the japs, if you have something to prove or say here say it with examples, show pictures and proves to back up what your saying to other members here to do. I have read all your posts and nothing you claim  works, does at all. stop telling people to copy and paste this and that cuz that shit don't work either. all the new software releases are bullshit and if you don't see that then you don't know shit about software or cars for that matter, so go and take your bullshit back to where you got it from. we don't need another tech support want to be here. we are only interested in  china autel support and their final take on this tool's future. 
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