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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > Cannot activate force regen DPF Jeep Gra...
Cannot activate force regen DPF Jeep Grandcherokee 2015

1544 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2018-03-21 12:36:49

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2018-03-21 12:36:49
    I have a maxi check pro and cannot get a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee into forced regen using the DPF function. When I access it and select DPF then place the year and model it says function not supported. But it should be supported. Tried doing the same thing with a 2013 grand Cherokee same problem. diagnostic tool is up to date. 

    Before updating the maxi check the scan tool read 'error turn off ignition and repeat after 60 seconds' after attempting to activate regen. Now just says function is not supported. What is the problem? As it is meant to support this car model. Help would be appreciated.

    Additionally the tool wont reset the oil service on both 2013 and 2015 Grand Cherokee.
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