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Mobile Programming and coding for BMW, Mercedes ,or Audi using a Smart phone as a hot spot

1182 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2020-12-26 09:19:57

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points
    2020-12-25 19:17:00
     At this time I just would like to perform online coding of a TCM for a customer with a 2014 Audi A8 that had a fault code in TCM related to coding that has a draggy upshift issue. I would be using my Maxi Sys Elite, since the function viewer lists this function and my tool and VCI are fully updated and still within it's update period. I figure I will need  have to a good internet connection and stabilize the vehicle battery voltage and use the provided USB cable from the Maxi Flash Elite. I am not overly confident if the procedure will work though , and worry about having to flatbed a vehicle 10 miles to an Audi dealer if the coding procedure for the TCM were to fail and trans won't move afterwards.
     I figure I might try the TCM coding procedure mobile-ly while parked in the Audi dealer parking lot to save a flatbed tow in case  trans won't work afterwards. Figure I'll use my smartphone as a mobile hotspot for my MaxiSys Elite and run jumper cables from my running vehicle to stabilize the Audi A8 battery voltage. Any mobile mechanics try this before and had success using their smartphone phone as a hotspot? . I Have a Galaxy S-9+ that has a pending security update and Sprint network.
    Since the news of the US government being hacked, I'm afraid if I do the security update to my phone I won't be able to use my S9+ phone as a Hotspot for my MaxiSys Elite to get programming and coding files from China to my MaxiSys Elite. Are my worries unwarranted?

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2020-12-26 09:19:57 (Reply to:witsend)

     In this case I would save the original coding what ever you have it on it before doing anything.......

    I have used my mobile phone hotpot in the passed many times and it has no problem as long as your network is good, just make sure your phone and the Maxisys are boot connected to the charger......
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