Connected MaxiCOM mk808bt to my 2019 F150 checed for misfire and noted cyl#6 had a constant misfire. I tried again and misfire is no longer listed in the ECU or active test. what am I doing wrong?
Hi, does your engine noticeable shudder or runs it fine,when you have a code 0306 (misfire cyl.6) you must feel this when the engine runs, check if the obd connection was done correctly.
Yes it has a stumble or shutter seams like every 30 seconds the rpm would dip below 500 and sometimes the engine will stall before it catches itself then it runs fine untill 30 seconds then it starts to miss again..No codes. Plugs have been replaced. Since the coils have been mixed up, I wanted to see if # 6 is still missing or another cyl. but cant read any missfire information.
Hi, than check the fuel pressure and the connector on injector 6 ,also check the hose connection from the maf sensor. Also check for cracked or loose vacuum hoses causing a lean mixture that can give misfires.