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Why don't the car App buttons display the software version number?

866 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2020-09-10 15:32:03

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points
    2020-09-10 15:32:03
     I think the software version  might be nice a good thing to know if you need to call in to support or make a report to email in . My Datalog function has not worked since day one . I'm not sure why , but I registered my tools to a gmail account , but I was not able to synch my Tablet's  Email to my gmail account, but I was able to with my SBC , however because I did things that way , I think it messed up the ability of the tablet to send out Datalogs.
    I have not tried to send any datalogs out in awhile. 

    Tags: maxisys

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