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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > How to fix wifi mac not matching sd card...
How to fix wifi mac not matching sd card???

4858 Views 9 Replies Latest reply: 2015-09-29 01:18:07

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2014-04-18 19:06:38
    Since I have made updates on my Autel Maxidas, whenever I open it, this message shows up:  “The wifi mac is not matched with the DS708. The diagnostics is not available!''. I did the format on the sd card and updates but no luck. Is there any solution to this problem?

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2014-04-19 06:41:27 (Reply to:marcbrazeau)

    You did what needed to be done I will say get another sd card a new one do the same
    procedure but with a pc not the tool there are a few post regarding this issue on the
    708 section read them you could find more ideas on how to fix this good luck

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2014-04-19 10:43:51 (Reply to:ede65)
     Thanks for the reply ede65 this morning i bought a new sd card 8gb i format the sd card and did the update but no luck i still have the same message i also read some treads on the forum but i did find a solution for my problem.

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2014-04-22 05:13:16 (Reply to:marcbrazeau)

    Can you post the solution you found thank you

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2014-08-28 13:21:28 (Reply to:marcbrazeau)

     Please let me know how you fixed the problem

  •   Level 2   
    (35) points

    2015-09-19 11:43:45 (Reply to:marcbrazeau)

    cordial saludo
    tengo el mismo problema le agradezco su ayuda mi correo es
    saludos tulio

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-09-24 06:21:12 (Reply to:tuliomacea)

     Hi, can you please help to explain your problem in more details? Do you have access to wifi? Or you may write to with the S/N of your device and screen shots of wifi status. Thanks!

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points

    2015-09-24 16:33:40 (Reply to:Autel Support)

     I do have wifi. I updated the software to the latest version and now none of the cars open. Not even OBDII V3.38. What do I need to do? Let me know if you need more information, Thank you

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points

    2015-09-25 10:04:14

     My email is if anybody has any idea what I can do to use my scanner again. I really need it to get back to work. Thank you.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-09-29 01:18:07 (Reply to:Arti300zx)

      Hi, I meant if you can enter wifi module? If yes, please send us a screen shot of the wifi status at By the way, as I have checked the information of S/N here, you only updated the System Program to the latest version and there is no vehicle software update available for it. Thanks!
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