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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > GetSysInfoFromRegTab() failed error on s...
GetSysInfoFromRegTab() failed error on system software 6.33

19966 Views 43 Replies Latest reply: 2024-11-19 00:42:17

  •   Level 7   
    (885) points
    2015-01-18 04:55:19 (Reply to:omegaalpha)
    Until Autel releases a 6.34 version of the main software with this fix you can find the on my webspace

    I will remove it once we have a fixed version from Autel, but for meantime use this.

  •   Level 3   
    (99) points

    2015-01-19 20:45:33 (Reply to:Autel Support)

     please send the update to

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-01-20 05:45:37 (Reply to:cmennenger)

     Mail is sent, please check.

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points
     having the same issue, also when it startup to the main menu, I got the message "The serial number of DS708 recorded in SD card is not matched with DS708. The diagnostic is not available" and now the serial number of my tool if I go to Setup/ About is DS000Q000000 ??? can you send me the patch to   Thanks for your help, trying to call the support department but no answer

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points
     My issue is Fixed. Just talked with Enrico and John-Eric, they fixed everything for me. Thanks A LOT !!!

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Glad that the problem is solved now. Enjoy it!

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points

    2015-01-22 08:21:06 (Reply to:fware)


     Got the same problem here.....did an update and got that error message. How is the patch applied? patch applied.....problem solved...

  •   Level 3   
    (99) points

    2015-01-23 08:44:52 (Reply to:Satmech)

    How do apply the patch? Thanks.

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points

    2015-01-26 08:59:16 (Reply to:cmennenger)

    1. Download patch from above post.

    2. Unzip file

    3. Create a backup of your SD card in a folder on your PC ( DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE)

    4. Open your SD card so you can see the files on your PC.

    5. Open the folder called Scan on the SD card

    6. You will see an application called scan_arm. You will be replacing this with the one you downloaded.

    7. Open the folder you unzipped and you will find the updated scan_arm application.

    8. Copy the application to the folder you opened on the SD card. It will ask you if you want to replace the existing file.....answer yes.

    Eject the SD card after the file is done copying and try it in your maxidas.......error message should be gone.

    If you have a problem you can reload your orginal back on the card from the one you saved earlier.


  •   Level 1   
    (9) points

    2015-01-27 09:06:58 (Reply to:Autel Support)

     We are having the same error message come up. It doesn't seem to affect operation if you close the error box and continue on.
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