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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiSys > For Sale Maxisys Mini ms 905 $50 OBO
For Sale Maxisys Mini ms 905 $50 OBO

5548 Views 18 Replies Latest reply: 2015-07-21 07:24:51

  •   Level 6   
    (516) points
    2015-07-16 16:51:35
      For Sale Maxisys ms 905 about 10 Months old. Worked great when I first got it. Unfortunately it has been updated and does not well anymore. But the digital camera and web browser work very well. I still have about 2 months worth of FREE updates left so I cannot guarantee those will still work later.  $50 OBO

    PS The tool is not actually for sale      yet........... 

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-16 18:52:51 (Reply to:hondaman219)

    I can give you 10 bucks if you trow in a 10 dollar gift card.

  •   Level 6   
    (516) points
    2015-07-16 19:30:30 (Reply to:ede65)
     I paid $2000 dollars 10 months ago and now its worth a gift card. wow. everyone keep fighting for our tool. thanks ede

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-16 21:13:06 (Reply to:hondaman219)

     hopefully we don't have to go thru the humiliation of  having to do just that, even though we are both joking and trying to find humor in so much disaster, it may very well get to that point if autel does not do something very soon.

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2015-07-17 11:00:43 (Reply to:ede65)

      (Fictitious Scenario)  I think someone without a filter like me at Autel should just come out admit  and tell us something like,"We really want to give you as much OE coverage as possible, but some of what we were unable to reverse engineer ,really  highly encrypted features and make it unique enough in appearance to be called our own and still work.... well  some of it just had to be copied, and that got us into Hot Legal Water in the USA market with Ford .At one time our government greatly encouraged wholesale copying of brilliant Western technologies, and just fix the obvious weaknesses and bring it to market at 1/3 the price of competition, making superior knock offs, while weakening Western Industrial capacity.
       Westerners driven by Blind Consumerism ,wanting free stuff like downloads of albums of Starving Artist's  Music off of You Tube, and downloading other people's software free from Torrents off the web, and getting the most Bang for The Buck from anything and everything,  will line up in droves to buy the Latest and Greatest we offer.
       Lately The People's Government has sided with some OE car makers who build their cars in new factories here in Mainland China Since most stuff is now made in China now and not much made else where worth copying anymore , our government has changed views, and warned me they'll  send armed Soldiers into the software  engineering room to make sure the OE software of any manufacturer that is presently in dispute in courts and cease and desist letters from OEs be removed from any future versions of the manufacturers software because the OE's are building cars in Chinese factories now, so it's against the law to copy software of products made internally in  Mainland China now.
       Ede65 and others , I feel your passion for our product and frustration over things that once worked better than they do now, but don't despair. Some of us engineers don't like what we are seeing and being forced to do at the end of an AK47. Before all the engineers get marched over to the Ford factory to develop the Chinese Ultra IDS, We are going to let you know when an Internet torrent be available with all the repaired and removed stuff back to 1996 model be ready. Ole Buddy ,Just be careful you don't get baited by something out there that might erase everything on it  though. Your Brother in Arms, Max Headroom

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-17 11:40:02 (Reply to:witsend)

     you are so right about everything. haha I love it. I am going to think about this for a while.

  •   Level 7   
    (962) points

    2015-07-17 13:00:47 (Reply to:witsend)

      lol wow....come on guys is it really this bad?? I know Autel has its issues but honestly for me I paid 2200.00 for my unit last year and I can really say it has paid for itself several times...When I look back at the entire picture yes this damn scanner makes me want to smash it, kiss it, and even sell it at times. But also the benefit outweighs the let down for me in many cases....I think Autel is trying and I cant say fast enough, but at least trying and maybe at times overwhelmed...They may just take the position of many manufacturers and just ignore all of our inputs and complaints if we aren't careful to sound like Ford in accusations.. I just feel yes they have a lot to correct, and have corrected much...but I know this scanner has really allowed me to shine in many cases with believe me when I say I share your pain with the damn headaches from not accessing modules, mis-reading and triggering codes that weren't present before the scans, not decoding vins ,and dropping capacities that it once had..I want us all to hang in there and keep feeding this forum and the new techs with hope and insight with the tool. Hope everybody has a great weekend guys , I will drink a cold one for us

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2015-07-17 13:52:32 (Reply to:hondaman219)

     LOL , After I buy your tool for $50 , one month from now when all the updates for all the aftermarket scan tools mirror a Strap On or OPP tool in compliance  to placate the  OE's and the Chinese tell Ford, that both Autel and Launch went  Bankrupt and cannot pay any monetary rewards. The Government then tells Ford and everybody suiing  to STFU and cease and desist if they want to continue to build F@cking  cars in China anymore and names the New combined company , Super Red Star II Diagnostic Equipment LLC. Ford Counter sues for theft of the name Super Star II Tester and the engineers grab the lawyers and heave ho them into a muddy rice paddy and tell them to get f@cking busy.

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-17 15:19:44 (Reply to:912guy)

      yes buddy it is that bad in many cases and for many vehicles. I have dedicated countless of hours to the testing and comparing  of our old software to original tools as well as our new one. there is a lot missing. this is also what I have done. I visit many dealerships daily and I test on a bunch of different vehicles all makes and models besides my daily obligations, many times the function or feature that worked on a specific model year it will not work on the next one, or not available. I do mostly american cars, it is my daily bread and butter, this are the vehicles with more issues besides nissan. I check a couple of dozens daily, fixing just half of that, it is mainly testing and comparing tools. this is what I do, what i love to do and have dedicated thousands of hours to,besides my job. and  not just with autel but other brands as well.I have been a professional tech for 35 years next month, and learned a little bit about what i do. my purpose here is only to point out the truth and alert others without the vision or maybe knowledge as well as the right tool to compare it with, also with the intention of having them fixed by autel, not to destroy them. now as you can see no one has come to the forum to explain anything significant to our issues. good day. am drinking a few also. 

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-07-17 16:10:25 (Reply to:witsend)

       I have never laugh so hard while been pissed at something else,autel, at the same time. and it is all so true. many usa companies have sent their factories over to china, leaving many people in our country without work so that they can get this products cheaper and pay less taxes among a few other things,. at the same time we the general public get screwed 3 times , by our own country  first for taking jobs overseas and then second, we get screwed again by the chinese when they sell us defective stuff,cheap, what we paid for really. and a third time when our country sues the chinese for stealing stuff they already had to begin with since they built everything for us. and the reason we are in this messed in the first place. had all this companies  stayed in the united states, and  although this product will be at a higher price, we will be able to afford it cus everybody will have work. there will be no reason what so ever to be in this forum or to buy this tool. and usa is not the only country, there are many others doing the same thing we did and having the same issues we have. 
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