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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > Maxidas DS708; the language is not autho...
Maxidas DS708; the language is not authorized; change from English to German

30716 Views 137 Replies Latest reply: 2025-03-12 06:48:07

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2022-12-01 09:34:52

    Hello Can You set polish language on my device
    Serial number: DR7GN2C01180

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points

    2023-01-15 16:18:11 (Reply to:Autel Support)

    Hi i have problems with the lenguage at my maxi das

    I try tochange to russian and it appears that the lenguage i ask for its not permited that
    i need to ask the vendor or support for it.
    Can you please help me?

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points

    2023-01-15 16:26:01 (Reply to:Autel Support)


    I would like to authorize russian language


  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    Dominik Kwach

    2023-01-21 17:54:37

     Hello Can You set polish language on my device
    Serial number: S/N DS004Q002214

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    Dawid Reclik

    2023-03-10 09:05:09

    Proszę również o pomoc w zmianie języka z angielskiego na polski

    Numer seryjny urządzenia: DS7GM7C01618 


  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    Patryk Lipinski

    2023-03-11 15:23:09

     Please also assist to change the language from English. to Polisch

    Device SN: DS7GM7C01628

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2024-03-07 14:12:45 (Reply to:Autel Support)

    How stupid that we cant change language without authority!!!

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    Timo Fuchs

    2024-03-17 10:21:51

     Please also assist to change the language from English to German

    Device SN: MT65MA000102
    Model: TS601

    thank you :)

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
     Hi there, MK808Z S/N DK1GP9C06125

    I need to change the language to spanish, could you please authoriz it ? Thanks!

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2024-06-04 20:31:15

     Hi, I need to change the language of my Maxibas BT608 to Spanish.It says it needs your authorization 

    S/N BT68M8V03250 


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