Support, stop repeating nonsense talk from your engineers.. sorry, but too many times I see "car has no OBD" , "online programming", "car does not have this function" ... when I am sure the car DOES support OBD, or CAN be progammed offline of DOES have the function ... simply because some of my test tools (cheap crap stuff) can do these functions.
If thing are not functional, just admit and thank the users (like Busaman) and start fixing it, that is good policy, don't talk to us about things we are pretty well aware of that they are not true (we are profs , not just a bunch of noobs who don't know a damn thing about what certain cars can or cannot do)
I told it before and tell it again; I do feel MaxiSys is a diamond, but it is still in need of polishing. You people make a great product, but the attitude towards some of the questions and points being made really should change. Lot's better then we saw half a year ago, but still at times things really don't add up. Please take us serious as we do you.