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Autel what have you done..

8584 Views 30 Replies Latest reply: 2015-12-22 22:37:43

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points
    2015-12-09 18:47:51
       yet another complete disaster for maxisys
    vehicle1 2002 land-rover 3.0d
    NO COMMS WITH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maxidas ds708 comms with everything fantastic well done

    vehicle 2
    2005 JEEP  Grand Cherokee Diesel
    Once i selected the model and make it would only get comms with ABS

    Maxidas ds708 did everything accessed all systems, including disable TPMS

    JUST WHAT IS GOING ON twice today i have used a 5 year old tool to do the job correctly you really should be ashamed of yourselves for taking money from people for a tool that barely works its now getting beyond funny....

    i can live with the auto vin read not working i would like to think i know what car im working on..

    i am so glad i never updated my maxidas my advise to anyone else is dont...

  •   Level 6   
    (516) points

    2015-12-09 22:58:00 (Reply to:busaman)

     i am so glad i never updated my maxsys after august. The system was stable and most of the stuff still worked. I could load older versions if i wanted. I feel for you techs that trusted autel and went with the updates. I still like my tool I just don't know if I would like it the way things are now. I wonder if ede65 is watching and laughing his a** off. He saw all of this coming months ago. My advice is if you have older system and software don't update. Live with what the tool has and move on when its time to upgrade. If you have the new system I hope autel takes this seriously and fixes the problems. What happens when nobody buys updates because of the problems. Outdated tool?

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2015-12-10 06:58:35 (Reply to:busaman)

       Was  wondering if  there was a possibility the Vehicle make software from your old  Maxidas ( Windows CE) had a remote chance of working on your newer MaxiSys? (Android ) It would be great if it did .LOL
      Have a feeling if the company were to be dissolved and be disbanded some of it's Brilliant out of work engineers will offer One Final Black Market Last Hurrah update for all those waiting for good reason to update. Final updates, 10  Terra bytes of un-watered down  black market unadulterated  OE software ,Pico USB  scope software that works onaMP408 ,guided diagnostics ,all makes  J2534 programming files, and the tools will possess legendary capabilities for years to come.LOL

  •   Level 9   
    (3413) points

    2015-12-10 07:54:38 (Reply to:busaman)

    1.vehicle1 2002 land-rover 3.0d
    We have customers tested this car before without any problem. With the datalog, it can't be located this problem exactly. If this car is still at your side, please try to connect Engine,AT,ABS,SRS and send us these datalogs for further checking.

    2. 2005WK-Grand Cherokee
    --> You enter the wrong path. Please select 2006-KJ to have a try.

    3. vin read failed 2002 jeep cherokee
    --> It is normal that some old vehicles can't support to read VIN from OBD. If it can be read from DS708,could you please let me know your entry path? Or it read the VIN from any other module? As we know, there is no such menu in DS708.

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points
    2015-12-10 08:14:26 (Reply to:Support02)
     It was a 2005 jeep Cherokee not 2002 i didn't select the path i tried to auto read VIN and that is where it led me to the DS708 worked perfectly this tool has not been updated for 5 years...... so something you are doing is NOT working why don't you please just tell us the truth about what is going on at least then we know what to do how can you in all honesty take money from your customers for this rubbish...

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points
    2015-12-10 08:16:30 (Reply to:Support02)
     and no the customer wanted to go home SUPPORT  needs to be what its says not DAYS LATER  you need to be on the end of a phone or team viewer 24/7...

  •   Level 9   
    (3413) points

    2015-12-10 08:48:20

        Hi Busaman, we received three datalogs for the following vehicles:

    1. 2002-2005 Range rover
    For this car, we received many feedbacks from our end users without any problem. So if you tested it with issues, please try to collect some datalog by testing engine, srs, ABS, At.With the current datalog, we can't locate it exactly. If anyone else has the same problem, please report to us and upload datalog. We will check it ASAP. 

    2. 2005 WK-Grand Cherokee
    --> For this car, from your datalog, you entered the path by manual, here is from the datalog:
    <Menu = Manual selection\2005\WK-Grand Cherokee\/>
    That's why we suggest you select 2006-KJ. When you select AutoVin, it will jump to Manual Selection. So you select the wrong path.

    3. 2002 jeep cherokee. In the datalog, you describe it "vin read failed 2002 jeep cherokee". So I copied it above.

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points
    2015-12-10 19:05:16 (Reply to:Support02)
      support don't try and teach me to suck eggs i have been a mechanic for 37 years and i know when a tool does not work and the maxisys is turning out to be a real pile of s**t it was once a great tool...

    i don't just imagine this i have many other tools to support the fact that functions are disappearing faster than the polar ice cap you may think we dont notice but i do and am not afraid to tell you  for god sake my 5 year old ds708 with no updates for 3 years out performs the ds908

    one last thing where have all the TPMS  functions gone they were all there a year ago now gone WHY........

  •   Level 2   
    (20) points

    2015-12-10 19:17:13 (Reply to:busaman)

     i don't just imagine this i have many other tools to support the fact that functions are disappearing faster than the polar ice cap you may think we dont notice but i do and am not afraid to tell you  for god sake my 5 year old ds708 with no updates for 3 years out performs the ds908 


  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2015-12-10 20:46:24 (Reply to:theaudigod)

          I guess my old DS 708 that expired in August 2014 is worth holding onto,  and sure glad I made a Back up CF card before my update period expired too.I was once  hoping to at sell it and get $600 for it to offset purchase of a Maxi Sys but won't be for selling anytime soon .
       I try to be an Optimist, but  hearing  negativity about software problems and lack of timely support to be able to solve a problem before an Irate technician has to release a car back to a customer to take elsewhere or use an older tool to do the job is not good.
      Finally having  support a couple days later confirming data logs received and saying, "You can try this if you still have car",  is basically just Damage Control for Autel  taking an unnecessary  hit for not Beta testing stuff enough beforehand, and not taking corrective support action at the right time it is needed. A day late and a dollar short"Should have tried it this way", "could have tried entering the car in  manual mode", or "have a  try with next model  year  or the model year earlier software. "Format the card and re download the latest system software, and then all the vehicle makes. "
        To prevent a heart attack or stroke at work, should the doctor tell us to spend the extra 3 grand on another brand scanner (only with maybe half the OE level functions that Autel claims to offer) but it is Beta tested it works 95% of the time you need it . You expect it to be sh@tty coverage, so you don't get as stressed out as the one with 50% more listed OE functions that may or may not work on 20% (that's 1 out of of 5 cars that could stress you  and cause a stroke or heart attack sooner than later.
       Sending  in datalogs anymore?  Does Autel bother to revisit any older  datalog problems confirmed as legitimate problems with  an earlier software version and show us any legitimate fixes with a Beta tester using the  next version software? Haven't seen the videos out yet about any improvements and fixes to software resulting from datalogs sent in.
      Wouldn't surprise me with all the global outsourcing and palm greasing these days that Autel is already in bed with some OE companys and other aftermarket scanner companies making component  parts and boards for their scanners , and for getting the hardware business it  agreed to gradually par down the software capability so the competition can still be competition.
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