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Shutting off!

3957 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2016-01-03 00:28:18

  •   Level 2   
    (13) points
    2015-12-31 18:59:52
     MaxiSys Pro just shuts off? Will be scanning a car and poof just goes blank and to get it to reboot it takes forever sometimes to keep holding the power button. It also keeps randomly losing the print function ability, one day it works the next day it wont? it  keeps saying no internet yet you can see our router in the list?  I noticed it had a product update so i downloaded it, now it says on boot up that if i update the software  i will lose all my manufacture modules "information" does Autel have a cloud service to save my car manufacture information so i can update? would have been nice to warn me BEFORE and not after the update.
    Any ideas how to fix the shut down problem and why its so printer flaky ??? 

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points

    2015-12-31 19:13:55 (Reply to:Flywheel)

     what does it do with power supply connected

  •   Level 2   
    (13) points
    2015-12-31 19:38:12 (Reply to:busaman)
    well i keep it charged so i never seem to really need to use it so i don't know. If it was a battery issue why would it reboot.

  •   Level 3   
    (61) points

    2016-01-01 01:34:36 (Reply to:Flywheel)

     i have the same problem and it will stay on with it plug in

    but i agree with you why we still can turn it back on after holding the power button for more than 8 sec for the hard restart?

    don't under stand why the company isn't more support full it's there software and hardware with all these problems on the forums

    the end users had no doing with we just bought there problems

    the company seems to throw us under the bus at 12month window

  •   Level 2   
    (35) points

    2016-01-02 16:33:52 (Reply to:frozen)

     this problem is due to battery being bad. the battery is connected in series if one don't hold that much charged it drop a voltage. once it drop the voltage it shuts off to prevent the tablet for being damage. it's a safety feature that's why they ask you to plug it in when you program your ECU just incase it shuts off while programming. so the answer to all this Replace your battery.

  •   Level 3   
    (61) points

    2016-01-03 00:28:18 (Reply to:Placido)

     i have no problem with changing battey but in the 908 the battery is glue in not serviceble can't find a part number for it

    they want you to send in for $900 plus $1300 up dates

    have a nice day, not going to happing it's throw a way















































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