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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > MaxiDas DS708 basic interface question
MaxiDas DS708 basic interface question

5378 Views 11 Replies Latest reply: 2016-07-15 21:27:08

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points
    2016-06-08 09:34:45
         I just purchased my DS708 recently. I have several questions on its operation. However.... I will start a new thread for each to avoid confusion.
         I am almost embarrassed to ask this question. I am using my DS708 on my 2001 Lincoln Navigator. However.... The adapter that I am using clearly says CHRYSLER-16 on it. I noticed that this is the only adapter in the kit that will fit in my Lincoln OBDII port. 
         Could someone verify that is IS or IS NOT the correct adapter for OBDII vehicle?

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance. My follow-up question to this thread will be in regard to programming additional keys into my PATS system. I keep getting a "failure to communicate with module" error when trying to add additional keys.

    Thank you in advance..... Have a great day.  

  •   Level 5   
    (243) points

    2016-06-09 02:31:39 (Reply to:cobra94r)

     That is the wrong adapter, Unless you are working on a Chrysler. Look for your ODB2 adapter and use it, It should be in the right column of adapters about 2 or 3 down. You can find a picture of it on google by searching DS708 ODB2 adapter. Your 2001 Lincoln has the PATS module in the instrument cluster. Select instrument cluster, then special function, PATS, and wait for the 10 minute time out, If your battery is not in excellent condition be sure to connect a battery charger on a low charge while doing this. If adding a key be sure to use the key you are adding when you connect the DS708 and turn the switch on. Once in the PATS function select add key. You can add multiple keys in one session by turning off the switch, removing the key, inserting another and selecting add key again up to your limit of 8 keys. Of course, if you have 2 working keys you can add other keys without the scan tool. Good luck with your new DS708. I have 2 of them and they do everything I need done on all my Ford trucks.

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points
    2016-06-10 04:43:58 (Reply to:FX4)
     Thank You FX.... After looking through my case. I found that the OBD-16 Adapter had fallen out and was buried  in the cables. 

    However.... Even after using the proper adapter, I am still not able to program additional PATS keys. I am not sure why. I following the on screen instructions (which is exactly as you had instructed me to do) & still no luck. I am still getting a  "Unable to communicate with Module" error. I tried 3 different unprogrammed keys and get the same error every time.
    Ironically.... If I start the process with my Working programmed key, It will give me the error "This key is already Programmed" (or something of that sort. So...... That is telling me that there is module communication?!?!?!?

    I keep a charger on the car during the process and the voltage is always near 15VDC.

    I've also noticed that I cannot connect via WiFi... only by direct cable. But..... that is for another thread (after I try the search feature... of course... LOL)

  •   Level 5   
    (243) points

    2016-06-10 11:33:25 (Reply to:cobra94r)

     You may have a corrupt module on the DS708, have you ran the updates on it? What version is your ford module at? I have found 9.12 works the best, 9.13 doesn't format the numbers right and may be causing your issue. IF(and ONLY IF) your are in your update period try deleting ford (on the update/installed programs screen) and installing 9.12. CAUTION IF you can not update DON'T delete anything, Autel will not let you reinstall with buying the updates. According the another thread on this board the next ford module is supposed to be out TODAY(Do you hear that autel) it is supposed to have MY 15&16.

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points
    2016-06-10 12:26:39 (Reply to:FX4)
     Hi FX4,
            My unit is brand new. I have only owned it for little over a week or so. I updated everything as soon as I registered the unit. Yes... I am running v9.13.
            I have never owned (or even used) a unit such as this so, I am kinda doubting myself. However... I've done everything as you have mentioned and followed the screen prompt perfectly and I am still having issues using it. It is a little discouraging since this was my first REAL job with the unit.
            As I mentioned in my previous post...... for shits & giggles I used my master key instead of an unprogrammed key and the DS708 prompted me to let me know that the key was already programmed. With that being said..... It leads me to believe that my DS708 is capable of communicating with the module.
            I will take your advice when I get home and delete v9.13.  Hopefully it won't be difficult loading an 'outdated' version (v9.12) and AUTEL will allow me to do so.

    I really.... Honestly appreciate your help. I hope you have a great weekend. I'll post an update once I install v9.12.

  •   Level 5   
    (243) points

    2016-06-10 17:00:14 (Reply to:cobra94r)

     Glad to help, Once you delete the ford module, you'll get the option to INSTALL in stead of UPDATE, it will say 9.13 but that will be a drop down box, click the drop down and select 9.12. You may need to delete the EU FORD & the MAZDA also and either don't load them back till after you test or load ver. 9.12 for them also, since they are fords also.
    Let us know.

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points
    2016-06-23 08:31:46 (Reply to:FX4)
     HI FX4,
           I don't have much to update on my issue. I tried to downgrade my Ford 9.12 to a earlier version. I tried 2 previous versions. After booting up the DS708... I would try to open the FORD program and would get an error.... It wouldn't even open. I tried everything I could think of. I removed Mazda, EUFord and Ford.... It still wouldn't allow me to run a previous version.  I finally reinstalled 9.12 and at least the Ford program will run now. BUT.... I still get the "Unable to communicate with Module"error.
           Now I'll add some good news. I bought 2 blank keys for my wifes 2009 Toyota Matrix. I cut them & both keys went through immobilizer programming flawlessly. Now she has 3 working keys. I really needed something positive to come out of purchasing the MaxiDas. I had gotten so frustrated with the PATS issue, mainly because it was the first time I actually was using the tool, that I packed it up in the original boxes and was ready to send it back to Amazon. I unboxed it and decided to give it one last chance  After I was sucessfully able to add 2 keys to wifeys car, I am ready to give the DS708 another chance. This seems like an amazing tool. I know I need to learn how to use it.
    I originally had 3 keys for my Navigator. Several years ago it was stolen and ended up in an impound yard, They put it up for auction and they had a locksmith cut and program a key for it. Luckily..... I found out that the SUV was located and I was able to reclaim it before it was auctioned off.
    So... At that point. I had 4 keys BUT, only I only have 1 key programmed.  So... This is why I am desperately trying to get  at least 1 of my original keys usable.

    Anyway.... This is my update! I may have to invest in the CK-100 like the other forum user did that you were helping him with. I hate to buy another tool when I am pretty sure that my MaxiDas is capable of doing.

    Thanks again

  •   Level 5   
    (243) points

    2016-06-23 22:21:50 (Reply to:cobra94r)

     Well let's start over, What year is the navigator your working on? There is like 5 different versions of PATS and keys and locations it can be, so tell me year model and we'll start over. Do all these keys look exactly the same and are the same color?

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points
    2016-06-24 09:14:28 (Reply to:FX4)
    * My Navigator is a 2001.
    * All 4 keys are black (not a Grey Valet key). 3 of them are the authentic Lincoln issued PATS keys. One is just a generic PATS key that was cut by a locksmith. The only working key is the Generic one
    * I have tried to "Program Additional Key" each of the 3 original keys independently. (thinking it may have been a problem with a particular key)

    I previously considered to delete all keys and start fresh, (and programming 2 keys as required) However.... After reading the post from the other forum user (I cant recall his name but you recently helped him with his F150) I read his nightmare story. I am glad that I didn't take that route.

    On a side note.... I ordered another generic PATS blank key. It should be here today. Fortunately I own key cutting machines. I will duplicate the working key and see if the module will accept it. 

    I will check back with you later to gather your input. Thank you again for your patience and assistance.

  •   Level 5   
    (243) points

    2016-06-24 13:12:24 (Reply to:cobra94r)

     OK, We gonna make this work for you. This vehicle has the PATS module in the instrument cluster, So, if you don't have a great battery connect a slow charger. Hook up your DS708 and use one of you UN-PROGRAMMED Keys and go into the instrument cluster. Look at LIVE DATA , all PIDS and check these PIDS, NUMKEYS should be less than 8, tell me what it is. Then check PID SPARE KEY PROGRAMMING, it should be ENABLED. IF these are correct then go into SPECIAL FUNCTIONS then PATS. After the 600 second wait out you should get access granted, you have to click OK a couple of times to get to the main menu. Once there select program additional key. It will tell you that you should have an un-programmed in the switch. You may have to click OK, just follow the menus. Once successful, uses ESC to exit out of that module on the DS708 all the way back to the main screen of the DS708, all the way back to where you can power off the DS708. Power it off, and remove the cable from the ODB2 connector, then start counting. Leave the key ON for 30 more seconds, then turn it off. Remove the key and reinsert it. It should start the car. You can add more keys using this OR the process in the manual.
    Let us know, and good luck!

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