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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > update question for support
update question for support

4156 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2016-07-15 09:13:24

  •   Level 5   
    (293) points
    2016-06-21 00:00:46

    what is autels plan for the ds708? the most current software is from mid 2014 to 1st quarter of 2016, so will this tool have full 2015 anytime soon. the ds708 is currently being sold at a low price.? so have the updates reached their scheduled level or are the updates behind??? this also made me look at my maxisys updates and they are only a few months behind!!!!!!! I GIVE PROPS TO AUTEL for the extreamly current updates for maxisys.... so how far are you going to bring the ds708?? 2015???, 2016??   I'm sure a lot of people would like to know...


  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2016-06-22 15:53:00 (Reply to:billymck)

    I believe I read a past post that support mentioned DS 708 will be supported with updates until 2020 and I believe others saw what I read too, (see link below)
     Read complaints from about less  manufacturer updates, and updates were fluff like  Language , System Interface, and maybe a newer Level PC ,Software Suite  , I'm worried that when the vehicle software updates really do come out and adds a lot of  new vehicle coverage,I fear some of it will be court ordered Creeping Sharia that further  reduce our  Beloved Former Chinese Hack functionality of older vehicle special functions that it may still be listed in  special functions and work support but   increasingly found to give errors and not work.(basically court order  returned back to paid OE subscription based ), and most of  the software errors be discounted as a something that went wrong  on our end. Retry  downloading  the vehicle software again, have at it  and  send in a data-log if it is not resolved. Pray the old software cards still will work,LOL


  •   Level 4   
    (191) points

    2016-06-28 13:56:02 (Reply to:witsend)

     Where to get old software on the cd card?

  •   Level 9   
    (3413) points

    2016-07-04 08:58:20

    Since DS708 is our discontinued model now, we will not update this model frequently. Within this year, the following vehicles will be updated:
    Renault: 2016.11
    Fiat: 2016.10
    Honda: 2016.9
    GM: 2016.12

  •   Level 4   
    (111) points

    2016-07-11 16:25:30 (Reply to:Support02)

    so this statement about updates until 2020 was a lie then, why is anyone going to renew yearley subscription 
    for a few uptates a year 

    2015-02-26 03:25:10

    Dear Customers, 

    DS708 will be discontinued on 2016, however we still sell it in 2015. And we will continue to provide the software update 

    for 5 more years during 2016 - 2020 and hardware service for 2 more years during 2016 - 2017.

  •   Level 2   
    (21) points

    2016-07-15 09:13:24 (Reply to:Support02)

     And where is the promised update on Ford?
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