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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiSys > 908Pro J2534 vci update
908Pro J2534 vci update

2559 Views 3 Replies Latest reply: 2016-08-04 08:47:16

  •   Level 6   
    (457) points
    2016-08-02 12:25:50


    whats the latest firmware update


    any problems,fixes

    Any one else have latest update for vci? what version?

    One week till sub runs out and want to be up to date

    Please respond


  •   Level 9   
    (3413) points

    2016-08-03 10:16:01 (Reply to:Jim)

    The latest version of J2534 is V3.15. May we know where did you see V3.17?

  •   Level 6   
    (457) points
    2016-08-03 20:27:50 (Reply to:Support02)

     sorry ihave3.13

    newest is3.15 your right

    what did this update fix or improve

    thank for the response


  •   Level 9   
    (3413) points

    2016-08-04 08:47:16 (Reply to:Jim)

    What's new in J2534 V3.15:
    1. Improved the stability of K-line communication.
    2. Improved the auto-scan speed of TP20
    3. Solved the aborting issue of Left headlight system communication in Porsche
    What's new in J2534 V3.14
    4. Support communicating with Opel at 200bps
    5. Support SAS communication in Chang'an cars
    6. Support communicating with Mitsubishi at lower bit rate (lower than 200bps)
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