maxisys ms908 possible digitizer faulty or going out! of course this happens 1.5 months after the warranty expires. smh AUTEL!!!
i will attach a photo of the affected area.
i have no touch screen functions in one particular area.
i factory reset the tablet
i removed all screen protectors
used a USB mouse, and of course it works now. but who wants to carry around a mouse to a vehicle??!!
just wondering if anybody has had any issues relating mine? cause i DOUBT, autel will fix this when my warranty just expired.! SMH again.
where do i purchase a digitizer?
how do i install a digitizer? im sure that will void the "warranty" (shouldnt matter if its not covered)
how much will it cost for autel to repair my issue?
please help anyone. thanks again.
keep in mind, when purchasing this unit, i had a faulty VCI unit right out of the box! autel replaced the VCI under warranty.
im beginning to think my unit is a LEMON.
any help is greatly appreciated.
thank you