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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiDas > corrupt sd Card ds708 any help please
corrupt sd Card ds708 any help please

3280 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2021-02-28 22:32:13

  •   Level 2   
    (20) points
    2018-08-24 16:55:24
     Any Help appreciated
    My SD Card has become corrupted the original software is circa 2014/15
    Best Regards Ian

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2019-04-19 12:40:04 (Reply to:IANFDOYLE)

     I see it has been some time since you posted.  Today I had the same issue so to help others I am replying.  A corrupt oil reset file wouldn't allow me to update my SD card.  I ran the CHKDSK utility.  Need to have admin rights on the computer.  Open the Command Prompt Admin, I did this from Cortana but you can press the Windows button and tap x also.  At the prompt (C:\Windows…) type in chkdsk d: /r where 'd' is the value of the SD card drive.  There is one space between chkdsk and 'd' and one betwee 'd' and /.  Windows will run a diagnostic and repair if possible.  It repaired my SD card and I was able to get the latest software.  If you would like a visual also, this is a good link,

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2019-04-23 21:00:08 (Reply to:IANFDOYLE)

     I recently was gifted a DS708, however the SD card on it is dead. It is not corrupt, it is dead. As i was gifted the scanner and it has been one that has been passed around since 2014, nobody is aware if it was ever registered or who would have registered it and of course there is no backup of the SD card. Autel has not been very helpful so far is there any way for me to make this unit operable again or do i simply throw it in the trash. It would be a shame to do this as it was a working unit until the SD card die,. Anybody who can help it would be most appreciated.

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2019-07-02 16:35:39

     Guys the best idea is that you should always have a Backed up SD Card with full software so that in this kind of situation you can use another SD Card and backup again..

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2019-07-11 02:55:30 (Reply to:Denfield)

     hello did you ever try and register the unit yourself?

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2021-02-28 22:32:13 (Reply to:Denfield)

     Did you ever get a solution ??  i have the same problem,  you would think that autel would at least have a small ini file so you could make a new sd card with that on there and you could at least boot to the about screen to retrieve the password.
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