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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiSys > MS906 - top 1/4 of touchscreen is not wo...
MS906 - top 1/4 of touchscreen is not working

1714 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: 2019-08-12 13:48:03

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2019-07-18 23:16:23
     What can I do?

  •   Level 5   
    (244) points

    2019-07-24 15:18:56

    My tooo, any hlppp?

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points
    H4 Auto

    2019-07-29 07:52:37

    Same here. Seemed to have started after one of the last couple of updates. Mine is the top and bottom 1/4's of the screen.

  •   Level 2   
    (26) points

    2019-07-31 20:10:55

    Hi. This a very common issue with the MaxiSys. The screen requires replacement. Autel seem to be very quiet on this issue, and it is an issue!

    The same happened to mine and at least 5 other tool owners that I know of.
    In the end I purchased a screen from Ali Express and fitted it myself.

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2019-08-09 06:08:40 (Reply to:s4c)

     Could you please post the link from where you bought your screen so, it can be helpful to other members also how much did you pay for it..............?

  •   Level 6   
    (436) points

    2019-08-12 13:42:20 (Reply to:gwm1471)

    Hi connect usb mouse and you will be able to use the tool thanks

  •   Level 6   
    (436) points

    2019-08-12 13:48:03 (Reply to:Tokoko1989)

    Hi connect usb mouse and you can use the tool thanks
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