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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiSys > how do you do a dpf regeneration?
how do you do a dpf regeneration?

1552 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2019-12-10 23:15:53

  •   Level 3   
    (67) points

    2019-12-07 16:30:46
    Im trying to do a dpf regeneration on a 2011 Mitsubishi asx 1.8 diesel for a friend.Instructions are vague,it just says to start the command and it will take 25 minutes.Do I idle the car,drive the car,do it ignition on key off??It didn't tell me to start the car.Thanks,

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2019-12-10 23:15:53 (Reply to:)

     I'm sure the process needs to be performed with engine running at operating temperature before the process can begin
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