A Fictitious name , but Do any such places exist yet? Can anyone's Maxi Sys recognize and get paired to OE and other aftermarket calibration equipment if the OE targets and specs and distances used are standard across the board? Are these specs and target sizes and designs car manufacturer proprietary or after market brand calibration equipment proprietary?
$500 to add the ADAS software to an existing 64gb Maxi Sys platform (if this is even possible) be about all I can see as getting some sort of return on investment as long as it work with any aftermarket tools tools equipment fixtures and equipment, LMAO.
If not , hopefully all targets can be standardized across the industry soon , targets, distances, stands and be able to use the same fixtures , targets and stands across a multiple makes of scanner manufacturers, to keep costs down, especially if State Safety inspections start testing vehicle ADAS systems besides OBD2 for safety sake and economy of maintenance this stuff should get standardized! .