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1324 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2021-03-29 18:31:40

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2021-03-29 17:50:33
    How change language? I get message, when i want to change language-language not autorized, ask a dealer . wtf?

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-03-29 18:31:40 (Reply to:KonstantinsIvaskevics)

     The platform needs to be a currently supported with updates, be within it's free update period and registered to you. You have to call Autel support of your geographic area with the unit's serial number and have the language changed, then you need to have access to a day of hi speed internet, because you will need to reset the device and download everything again in your chosen language, Do not do a factory Reset to a device that is not within it's update period and registered to you
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