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Tool Trade in

1502 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2021-03-31 14:39:25

  •   Level 3   
    (57) points
    2021-03-31 14:07:48
     Is there any trade in value of a MaxiSys Elite for the MaxiSys Ultra?

    My unit is in perfect condition with 6 months left on free updates.

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-03-31 14:39:25 (Reply to:Mitsuman)

     Autel doesn't have any program that I'm aware of for trade in of used platforms. I had a Maxi Sys Pro that I sold off Ebay with 6 months of updates remaining in order to offset the cost of my Maxi Sys Elite. It is best to sell used while units are still within Total Care Update period and the registration can be changed over to new owner any any problems ironed out without problem you might deal with if out of warranty.. The only reason I updated my unit was because it had a issue of it exiting out of the MaxiSys App and ultimately had to be sent in and have it's firmware reflashed. Before that  I tried selling the entire kit used as is off Craigslist for a few months and only got a $500 offer from some one that wanted the Maxi Flash Elite J2534. I paid a little under a grand for a Total Care update , used it another 6 months to recoup my costs , then sold it off E bay after I bought a new Maxi Sys Elite that came with 2 years of updates and included the little VCI 100.
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