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2017 Mercedes cla250

1434 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2021-04-03 14:56:51

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points

    2021-04-01 14:11:16
    Can anyone help with headlight adaptation on 2017 Mercedes cla250

    Tags: maxisys

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-04-03 14:56:51 (Reply to:)

     Not sure if possible , but it might be something at the very least involving advanced coding requiring a Hi speed internet connection to Autel's server to download coding/ programming code (tool still within it's update period) , and car parked in a level work area. Think that some of the available coding and programming for Mercedes and BMW has to be done with the Maxi flash Elite's  USB cable between the tablet and the Maxi flash Elite. A suitable battery maintainer needs to be connected to battery. Just some things to consider besides checking function viewer app to check if headlight adaptation function is listed.
       I think Dr Zuesse Von Zepplin says to find a Carnival Tilt a Whirl on level ground with all the spin carts removed, pull the vehicle onto to the center. using a carpenter's laser leveler suspended from the 4 dome light screws find the vehicle's exact true center, and bore  a 2 1/2" hole through the center console and floor boards .Drive shaft removal may be required for next step. Use one of the tilt a whirl cart pins to line up hole with  the true center of the Tilt a whirl. Set Electric Parking Brake, now take the carpenters level and find the true center of wind shield and level the carpenter's laser through the windshield . Have the Tilt a Whirl operator assistant have a Graphiti artist on parole follow the laser point slowly around the interior fencing with a 25mm paintbrush with white reflective 3M pedestrian crosswalk paint. Next place Autel ADAS targets along the wavy line at each high and low point. Now you can start the procedure. Caution Tilt a Whirl operator must not exceed ride speed limiter of 2 RPM. or the car's  air suspension could go into undesired rodeo mode. Caution Exceeding 3 rpm could  deploy side curtain air bags. Piece of cake :-))
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