I bought a new elite 2 some week ago, at a webstore.
It was bought with a 2 year free update according to ad, and seller.
And its bought with possibility to change the language.
When I registered it, its actually one year free update, not two.
And its locked for changing the language.
So I understand I need to contact seller to get the changes done.
From one to two years, and the language unlocking.
Now the webstore is impossible to get into contact with, for some reason.
Ive mailed a few times to get some lifesign, but no answer.
I Tried their chat, but no answer.
I dont know the reason for it though.
How do I proceed?
The webstore is still open, and I still get email ads from it..
Somebody who knows?
The webstore is cardiagtool.co.uk
Im located in Sweden.
/ Thommy