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Autell IM508

218 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2025-01-05 16:55:26

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2024-12-18 14:04:26
    My device isn't functionng well. Sometimes it will read the VIN automatically and works well sometimes it fail to communicate with the vehicle. Plz educate me about possible solution to this. Thank u

  •   Level 9   
    (6153) points

    2024-12-19 10:29:49 (Reply to:)

    Hi, the possibility of reading vin automatically depends completely on the fact if that
    car support this function.when it fails to communicate it could be a connector failure
    or ecm problem on that particular car you want to examine.

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2024-12-19 16:27:11 (Reply to:)
    Thanks for your response.Could it be bcoz I have not updated my software that has
    expired? It fails to communicate most times. I'm waiting for your response. Thank u

  •   Level 9   
    (6153) points

    2024-12-19 19:01:33 (Reply to:)

    Hi, no, the reason you did not update the newest updates has no influence on the
    normal operation of your device. The im508 is a device primarily for key problems.

  •   Level 2   
    (17) points
    jay jay

    2024-12-22 01:36:22 (Reply to:)

     did you figure it out ? my 508 still not communicating either its been a week no money coming in cause of this issue i cannot communicate with hondas or toyota or lexs or nissan ???

  •   Level 9   
    (6153) points

    2025-01-05 16:55:26 (Reply to:)

    Hi, your scanner need a firmware update probably, I have found out that there are
    problems with ecu communications sometimes with the508. See you tube for
    instruction video on how to update scanner firmware. The update you can you do
    yourself, 1. Make sure your tablet has power and stable access to the internet. 2 . tap
    update button from the maxim job menu ,or tap the update icon on vehicle menu, the
    update screen displays3. Check available updates choose what you want tap the
    correct button. 4 when process is completed the firmware Will be installed
    automatically, it will replace the old version.
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