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Communities > Diagnostics > Asian Cars > Fortuner Toyota MaxiSys wont read.
Fortuner Toyota MaxiSys wont read.

2574 Views 4 Replies Latest reply: 2014-06-25 16:39:14

  •   Level 4   
    (120) points
    2014-06-25 07:11:36
    Kindly don't start by saying the dlc or anything to that effect since the cars are all fine its the machine or tool that won't read this model-TGN51R-NKPSKE. The TGN model features no where on this tool. My question is was i played to be convinced to buy this tool. How does autel expect me to pay for my updates when the time comes surely i expected more from this tool are there other people fill this frustrations or its only me. Right now honestly i can't recommend anybody to buy this tool as for me it ain't doing what's expected of it Autel what's going on????? Here are the details of the above mentioned vehicle
    Model- TGN51R-NKPSKE
    Engine- 2TR-FE
    Frame- PNIIINV5107002218

    Tags: PRO

  •   Level 5   
    (289) points

    2014-06-25 12:35:04 (Reply to:XQSUITE)

     won't read? Like what... What happens, describe the steps.

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2014-06-25 15:52:29 (Reply to:XQSUITE)

      kairu i have been reading all your post and the answers from other members to your post  and i think you have a bad scanner or your vci is either defective or not updated, i assure you the maxisys does not have this issues your mentioning, contact support by email or a phone call, i am sure they will agree that you have a bad tool,if thats the case have it replaced before the warranty expires good luck.

  •   Level 4   
    (120) points
    2014-06-25 16:09:39 (Reply to:ede65)
    Ede, check out for yourself this model TGN features no where on the MaxiSys. We
    haveTRC,TRU TRH TRJ and TRN there is no TGN for that matter. Kindly before we say
    its my tool kindly and say kindly check it out please.

  •   Level 4   
    (120) points
    2014-06-25 16:39:14 (Reply to:ede65)
    Ede, i am on a diagnosis spree and today i have diagnosed a number of vehicles good
    and bad using my maxiSys MS908pro and i can assure you my tool is sound all i
    wanted to know its what and what it can't do and the vehicles i posted about are the
    vehicles i had a problem with. Today am on it again. And i will report back.
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