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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > Why do the forum moderators hate ede65?
Why do the forum moderators hate ede65?

4598 Views 14 Replies Latest reply: 2015-05-16 14:41:40

  •   Level 5   
    (331) points

    2015-05-14 12:28:55

    nobody hate ede65!!!
    Best of luck ede!

  •   Level 5   
    (331) points

    2015-05-14 12:31:31

     nobody hate ede65!!!
    Best of luck ede!

  •   Level 5   
    (331) points

    2015-05-14 12:31:52


  •   Level 2   
    (20) points
    2015-05-15 10:31:22 (Reply to:ede65)
    Dude -- who the hell shat in your Wheaties?

    The general consensus from the Autel forum community is that some asshole harassed you until you needed a freaking vacation.  I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but in this case I suspected corporate tampering on your account due to your coverage of the many changes Autel made to their software in light of the Ford lawsuit.  It still makes no sense that YOU, the angry person whose Autel just got neutered by a software update, would put in any effort to bury all that potentially damning information like a cat turd.

    From my observation, you are a helpful, intelligent, and, above all, honest individual who has the respect of most on this forum.  Always keep in mind that this world is full of morons and they only exist to piss off those who are more intelligent.  I hate that some morons on this forum gave you such a mass of grief that it spilled into your real life.  Take that LONG vacation.  You deserve it.

    Good luck!

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points

    2015-05-16 14:41:40 (Reply to:its8up)

      misunderstood your post in the first place. most of my post were deleted by me, do in part because of  this person replying to all my post with negative post but some of them were edited by some one else don't know who. after I deleted a few of them I found many post not made by me under my name. after a password changed this issue stop. contacted support to have all my post deleted completely so there will be no empty post on the forum and further aggravate more people but it never happen. also my aol mail account and gmail account were tampered with so it seems I pissed some one off with a lot of computer knowledge. anyway its out of the way now and hopefully autel support will delete all my empty post and we can get on with our life and better this tool that seems not to move forward too fast.  also keep in mind I had already edited my replied to you before your last post realizing it was not the best answer to give you in the first place, the reason why I changed it. good day.
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