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beta testing software by techs before released 4 support

3675 Views 17 Replies Latest reply: 2015-07-14 04:34:16

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points
    2015-07-12 13:32:30 (Reply to:Ashraf)
        well said buddy. you have being doing a tremendous job your self and Autel should feel lucky to have you here in this fight, as well as couple dozen more members that visit this site on the regular basis to help other fellow members with their everyday issues. I wish more,  a lot more members will get involved ,or is it that we lost that many already. this is not the time to be silent, let them hear you all. it don't matter if your English is bad, it can't be any worse than mine, I google half of my words, or just say it in your native language. autel sold this tool around the world and in many languages, and everyone should be allow to express him/her self  in his/her native language if English is too hard for you, specially when demanding what is rightfully yours. autel does not reply in any language other than English and mandarin. if I can use google translator so can they, not to professional. also when we call on the phone please stop saying (what) that is no way to answer your calls,  try to be a bit  more professionals autel,  unless you gave us the wrong number, your cousin's  for instance,  if so that explains it   the hostility. 

  •   Level 3   
    (57) points

    2015-07-12 14:21:25 (Reply to:ede65)

     Well said ede I think AUTEL are treating us like fools letting  us do all the work I have a lot of work to take care of in my workshop all ready  we pay a lot of money for this diagnostic system I for one hate to tell a customer I can not repair his or her car because of this mis mash AUTEL give us in updates  I HOPE THIS TOOL IS NOT GOING TO BE AN EXSPENSIVE WHEEL CHOC

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points
    2015-07-12 15:51:56 (Reply to:porsche)
       yes I think so too, a good proof of this, they just released the new member to the family, the LAMBORGHINI  wow impressive. we can't program ford pats and many other everyday vehicle simple stuff, but the lanborghini  released makes it all better. I don't know what the hell they are thinking. the only time you will see a lamborghini,bently,rollsroyce,bugatti,maybach and other super cars in my area is when they are either filming a movie or someone stole it, in either case they won't be calling us, a big waste of tool space for me. the money they are using to develop this vehicles can be used on other makes  in need of, that we use every day. crazy thinking, for a lack of a better word, if you ask me.

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2015-07-12 16:05:17 (Reply to:ede65)

     I have never seen Lamborghini,Bentley,Rolls Royce,Bugatti,May Bach coming to my doors and don't even think of them so NO point me having those software's in my tool..................Or, can any one tell me how often you see those cars coming to your workshop doors.................? 

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points

    2015-07-13 11:28:13 (Reply to:Ashraf)

     never ever ever had on or likely too, if i did i would be scared to death to put AUTEL MAXISYS on it for fear of what it might do to it.

    ahsraf & ede spot on.

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points
    2015-07-13 12:57:43 (Reply to:busaman)
      yes can you imagine one of this big shot rich guys shows up at your shop with a lamborghini, expecting firstly to see a computer about half the size of their vehicle, you know something impressive probably connected  to a server in italy too. then you come out with a 708 or a maxisys don't matter, I will assure you the look on his face will make you think twice about it. and if by any chance he is stupid enough to let you do it, make sure to call 911( the police) before you hook it up, just in case something should happen. you know you are getting shot man. my recommendations is if you got to do it, use a maxi-sys not the 708. the maxisys is wireless and it will give you time to run if something happens, you will have a head start, no sh**t. anyway enough worries for one day, stay away from those rich guys and their cars, they are confirmed to be very aggressive. 

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points

    2015-07-13 14:50:40 (Reply to:ede65)

     at least i wont be needing it tomorrow ive got a  1957 300sl merc to touch with kid gloves.

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-07-14 04:34:16

    Autel can count on me to do BETA Test in my country. And I speak portuguese, spanish, french, english and a litle, just a litle bit of German, so If any one need help, please contact me.

    Right now my home is in works, so I don't have internet at night. But every time I can, I try to help every one.
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