My maxisys Elite is brand new !! Has 10 days of life, the subscription has just started ...
but I can not do any kind of online coding .. i have a great connection, adsl 20 mega
and 4g + 80 mega download 50 mega upload .... today a ww Toureg bpe 2.5 tdi of 2008
coding .. it connects to the server more than an hour and never finds anything .. once it
says the server autel does not respond, once it says files not found on servers autel ..
made it that in my opinion the ' Tool has some problem because i tried many mercedes
2008 2009 2010, bmw 2009 2010 2012, ww golf 6 toureg 2.5tdi .. when i try to do any
kind of online coding does not work !! Diagnostics works discreetly, sending logs does
not work are trying to sneak ... not happy !!