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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > 2010 Focus Pats key programming
2010 Focus Pats key programming

2030 Views 10 Replies Latest reply: 2019-08-04 03:15:23

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2019-08-04 03:15:23 (Reply to:MexiCANBoi2020)

     I replaced an ignition key cylinder on an older Ford Explorer and gutted out all the old tumblers, so any new uncut key blank can turn the cylinder. If I have one working key I often will remove the key cylinder and slip in the key cylinder without the tumblers to program the uncut key blanks before wasting any time having them cut , that way I can return the new uncut key blanks for a refund or exchange in the event they can't be programmed.
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