I'm sorry, it's called the XP 400 Pro, not Plus. It is Not some stand alone device, and only works only with the IM 508 and IM608. (Not sure about Otto IM100and IM600) Go to aeswave.com and search. I have an IM 508 and just wished the XP200 had the Mercedes IR slot of the XP400 and the IR emulator but I'm not enthusiastic or confident about doing much non OBD side of jumping and soldering into boards, however necessity is the mother of invention , so hopefully not be the Mother of more Expletives deleted. I did finally get a regular XP400 at a much lower price since the XP400 Pro is replacement since it adds capability to read 60 more chips than the XP400, but you probably have to buy the optional accessory kit to realize much of it. I might be wrong but maybe Autel had to by law remove the IC chip read /write induction area of the XP400, but they couldn't call the XP400 Pro an XP400 Minus, LOL, so they just called it a Pro. Who the heck would want to edit odometer mileage readings anyhow? Even if you have an older XP400 with IC chip induction area , if none of the software on the tablets supports IC chip read write feature, then you can't use it anyhow unless you have an original Ottosys IM100 IM600 you never updated where the feature wasn't voluntarily or court ordered delete.