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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > IM 508 worked pulling PIN and adding Fob...
IM 508 worked pulling PIN and adding Fobik key on a 2010 Grand Caravan:-))

1646 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2020-09-06 16:13:36

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points
    2020-09-06 16:13:36
     Cheers Autel !  My IM 508 Worked flawlessly through OBD pulling 4 digit PIN and adding a Fobik key on my Daughter In Law's 2010 Grand Caravan. Good Job Autel No need to Optimize the software for this one :-)
     Too bad it was a Family Freebie, but I expect  to get a return on this tool eventually. I used it several times before on other makes without success due to cheap customers supplying Used Toyota Smart keys, or a Nissan Knock off Smart Key from Amazon, or adding a VW Fobik keys where I ended up disabling the remote function of the working Fobik  key using the XP200, however I now have an XP 400 to give that another try if I get another chance. 

    Tags: key

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