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Communities > Diagnostics > Asian Cars > Infiniti NATS key programming
Infiniti NATS key programming

5855 Views 18 Replies Latest reply: 2021-08-01 00:29:36

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points
    2021-01-23 19:52:23
     I'm using the MK808 and this has effectively removed all key fobs from programming and been unable to program.

    When entering program it reads BCM pin code of 9733B

    Convert to immobilizer code of 9078 (its a 2013 Infiniti G37)

    Proceed to next step and get error code "The operation is incomplete. Try again after confirming the operation condition."

    What is the cause here? All codes are cleared, no BCM, engine or code of any kind.

    Please help identify this so I can move forward with this tool and vehicle.

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-01-24 15:21:35 (Reply to:JohnDenos)

     I don't know, maybe some newer vehicles of 2010 and up have higher security and the MK808 is not capable. Did you check function viewer of listed capability for your model and year Infiniti? Other than the dealer giving you the 4 digit PIN code or at least confirming what you tried to be correct or not (with proof of ownership of car and photo ID),  See what other 5 digit number combinations exist on the BCM label that you can try to convert to a 4 digit PIN# to try. Other than that I need to make make sure my IM508 tool is connected to internet and within it's update period when an internet connection to Autel's server is required for certain types of immobilizer key programming.
      Given the sometimes Hit or Miss capability of Price Point Diagnostic Tablets from China that are advertised  as a near do it all type of dealership tool, I have learned to be very skeptical especially if you can't add a key without erasing all working keys as part of the procedure. Just make sure you or your customer has AAA towing or you're doing the procedure in the dealership service parking lot. :-))

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points
    2021-01-24 21:11:45 (Reply to:witsend)
     Where is the function viewer/capability list?

    Within the MK808 it has the NATS feature.  

    This is clearly the system it needs to enter and I have seen videos of it being used for other Nissan vehicles.

    The code read off the BCM is the same code printed on the BCM label so I believe that confirms the accuracy.  I cannot verify the translated 4 digit PIN other than from the 2 softwares I have used though

  •   Level 8   
    (1698) points

    2021-01-25 02:29:04 (Reply to:JohnDenos)


  •   Level 2   
    (14) points
    2021-01-25 18:46:40 (Reply to:promaster)
      I have seen this video already.  This is not a replacement BCM so I select when replacing keys.  This video doesn't read the BCM code or require a PIN either.

    It reads the BCM code and when I insert converted PIN it will not proceed and says it is incomplete. Exits back to menu.

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-01-25 21:02:28 (Reply to:JohnDenos)

     "Where is the function viewer/ capability list? '
    If you click on your function viewer app of your tablet providing you are within update period or the Autel coverage link below and select your tablet and the make model year of your vehicle and you do not see "All Keys Lost" listed under the module , then it likely doesn't have the capability to do the key programming if you cleared all the keys even if it might have the capability to erase all keys. LOL. It seems like I've had more luck with Nissan with Autel by selecting some models manually , entering the VIN and there are like 3 menu options to go into that I forget the names and I select the far right one of the 3  "By System" or something like that.

  •   Level 2   
    (14) points
    2021-01-25 23:52:40 (Reply to:witsend)
    Nissan/Infiniti uses NATS, this is in the mk808 specific for this. It reads bcm and
    everything just wont finish the learn procedure.

    I did confirm the pin code was accurate

  •   Level 7   
    (1473) points
    Kevin H

    2021-01-28 22:12:33 (Reply to:JohnDenos)

    Do you have a current subscription? I did a 13 Nissan and it gave me the option of
    entering the pin myself or let the tool search online for the pin. I let the tool search for
    the pin and had no trouble.

  •   Level 7   
    (1473) points
    Kevin H

    2021-01-28 22:20:36 (Reply to:JohnDenos)

    Did you replace any parts?

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2021-01-29 02:40:23

    You bought an autel that's the first mistake...second you came here looking for help... They have your money and don't care..
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