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Communities > Diagnostics > Asian Cars > 2019 toyota rav4 seed to 12 digit passwo...
2019 toyota rav4 seed to 12 digit password help, how can i calculate that to add a smart key push to start?

1613 Views 3 Replies Latest reply: 2024-12-17 08:00:47

  •   Level 4   
    (122) points
    2021-12-12 15:35:19
      Please help, I tried adding a key to a 2019 Toyota Rav4 push to star and came across this screen asking for a 12-digit pin to send the information to a third party to calculate. I can't find anyone to calculate that. And to get NASTF and TIS just for one car its way to expensive. is there anyone that could help with this issue? thank you.
    Is there a software I can purchase?
    A pin code calculator?
    A new programmer?
    Or someone that has the ability to calculate that pin I'll pay per use if you do?
    Thank you. 

  •   Level 1   
    (6) points

    2022-03-10 16:28:34 (Reply to:Jorge)

    Are you on a valid subscription? You need to update your tool to the current date so it
    will skip the 12 digit pin code section and you will have a successful programing.

  •   Level 4   
    (122) points
    2022-03-11 02:44:36 (Reply to:)
     Autel doesn't support that yet, but thanks anyway. You get 3 lines of data to convert to the 12 digit pin, I called autel and they say they can not get the pin for that, only techstream with NASTF or toyota direct. 

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    jointdmc Toyota

    2024-12-17 08:00:47 (Reply to:)

     A professional (creat 12digit Toyota) is someone who is knowledgeable and trustworthy.... Recommendation from me..

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