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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > update al529 pb error login
update al529 pb error login

1165 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2022-07-04 18:29:04

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2022-06-23 16:39:51
     Hi all,
    I have a problem to update my device AL529.
    I put the different method:

    - I have created a account on the site
    - I order my device with the SN and PW which is given by the device.
    - I have downloaded MAXI PC SUITE V1.33
    -I try to order my loggin (the same that on the site
    I receive an error message (see the picture)

    Failed to log in, please check:
    1.If the device with this serial number is registered
    2if the accound bound to the device with this serial number is correct.

    the both are true but it doesn't work.
    Many thank for the support.
    PS: I already try on another PC with the same result (Windows 10 64bit)
    Best Regards.

    file:  AL529error.jpg

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
     I answer at my own post :).
    It was the firewall which block the update.
    I have disabled the firewall and it works.
    I just need to add an exeption inside the firewall for the software PCMAXI suite for the next use.

    Thanks at the hotline Autel france.

    Best Regards.

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