I’m using an IM 608 Pro with XP 400 to program keys. I am noticing a trend with Ford keys that use a Hitag pro 49 chip. Smart/proximity keys and or flip keys they all read locked. I’ve tried all the keys I have in my inventory and if they read Hitag pro 49 they read locked. 6 different part numbers 15 keys, 2 different suppliers and purchased at different times over several months. I have been adding part numbers to my inventory over months and recently ordered 2 smart keys for a 15 F150 for a customer and they would not program, when I read them they read locked, I complained to my supplier and they overnighted 3 more keys of the same part number. All 3 read locked. This prompted me to start reading keys in my inventory and any key that reads a Hitag Pro 49 chip in it reads locked. Has anyone experienced this or anything similar? Seems like to many variables to be a key problem and more likely an Autel problem but Autel customer support claims they haven’t seen any issues.