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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > Autolink AL619 upgrade mess!
Autolink AL619 upgrade mess!

92 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2025-02-28 11:31:39

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2025-02-27 23:11:26

    I already own a Maxidiag Elite MD802, but have also got an Autolink AL619.

    When I the SD card into my laptop with the upgrade software running and signed in for the AL619, it showed loads of updates available, I selected the ones I wanted, and it upgraded fine.

    Now when I plug the card into the tool and power it up, the screen stays white and sits there with a rapid clicking noise.

    What I  think has happened, is the software tool has put the Maxidiag software onto the SD card which has removed the original software from the card.

    If I remove the SD card and power it up, it shows amenu telling me to put an SD acrd in, so I know the tool os working OK.

    Can anyone help with with a driect download of the software? I cannot tell you the password required as I cannot access the menus on the tool reretriev the info, and the serial number sticker has worn off on the tool. 

    The device is expecting version 1.17 I think though.

    thank you!

  •   Level 9   
    (6345) points

    2025-02-28 11:31:39 (Reply to:m4ckys)

    Hi, you need to remove all the information from the SD card ,than download all the new
    software available. If it works than never update it again because its no use for it.
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