Thank you, support. For Honda, those posted function lists distinguish between 4 systems/all systems/oilreset. For Toyota, they distinguish between 4 systems/all systems/oilreset/EPB.
If, on my MD802, I see EPB and OilReset icons (even though my current 1998-2005 vehicles may not be equipped with those features), does that mean that the SOFTWARE subscription that came with my out-of-the-box MD802, has already, or is entitled to, the All-Systems updates?
Why doesn't the registration of my MD802 device, at the Autel site, result in any confirming information online about the current software subscription level that came with the device (ie, 4-systems vs ALL-systems)?
My device profile says I have updates available ... yet I believe I have already downloaded all visible updates that go with the 36 update messages?