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Programing Chrysler

4758 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2017-03-04 23:44:42

  •   Level 3   
    (83) points
    2017-01-30 10:56:37
     Hi Guys,
    I tried connecting to Chrysler, via the J box, i connected fine to 2013 Grand Cherokee and i logged in OK to Witech. When i try to download the TIPM file from Witech, i get this message from them "error connecting to the web server. Press continue to try again."
    Witech says it is not there problem to help, since i am using Autel's J box which is not supported by them.
    Any ideas on how to solve the problem?
    To top it all, i was trying to enable a rear view camera option on the Gateway; it turns out that you need to login into Dealer-Connect (which impossible unless you are a dealer) in order to update the TIPM file, then via Witech you can reflash it; which requires the download i was  not able to do. Thank you for your feedback.

  •   Level 7   
    (817) points

    2017-02-25 18:01:36 (Reply to:Barry)

     lie a little brother . tell them that you are using their jbox or an approved one , your issue may not even be related to the type of jbox your using but they saw a way out of the conversation by not being theirs or a registered type. you don't need a dealer connect account which is for dealer only and their om tools. a techauthority account is fine and does the same thing and its designed for the aftermarket.   before you call make sure you have windows 7 or 8   installed on you pc, interenet explorer 11, the right java ( don't know which version is the latest now)  installed, adobe air, adobe reader, flash player, all windows update up to date etc, and of course registered to techauthority and a purchased subscription and  their latest j2534 software. try again if no go call them again a lie away until you get some info out of them. for 35 usd I even want my horoscope readings.

  •   Level 3   
    (83) points
    2017-03-03 08:37:48 (Reply to:spikeoo7)
     Thanks Spike for the feedback. I tried talking to TechAuthority, but to no avail. I connected fine to the 2013 Grand Cherokee; so, I believe on my end I am all set; it is just when i connected to there download server, trying to get the file for the TIPM, that i got "error connecting to the web server, press continue to try again". Is there a way that you know of, to enable the rearview camera on 2011-2013 Grands. 

  •   Level 7   
    (817) points

    2017-03-03 12:50:13 (Reply to:Barry)

       there is a lot of limitation to what you can do with  the jbox. the function you want  is thru the tipm/gateway, either restore vehicle configuration or on the special function/misc function, enable or disable components/network check is done with the witech or maxisys. restore vehicle config is only on line but very buggy with the jbox. connecting to techauthority with a jbox is not a problem but programming is  , their technical support is horrible as well.

  •   Level 4   
    (153) points

    2017-03-04 22:20:08 (Reply to:spikeoo7)

      Your 100% right the jbox is limited, what you'll need is the OEM tool, Mopar Micro Pod 2 with Witech to get the full functions. There is no tool that does it all, but no worries other jboxes have the same issues Cardaq 2 Drew Technologies and AE Tools EZ Flasher.

  •   Level 7   
    (817) points

    2017-03-04 23:44:42 (Reply to:Emmanuel89)

       yes that is correct, I got by with my star mobile/witech  until 2013 then forced to buy the micropod 2 to be able to work on the new platform. passthru is mostly for powertrain programming although gm allows way more than other manufacturer but I don't trust it past powertrain in certain vehicles, specially cadillacs and other late model vehicles . I use the mdi for tech2 win and gds2, and programming/flashing on mdi and tech2, don't trust anything else although the maxiflash jbox has proved to work very well in most cases. on Chrysler, witech only and drb3 for non canbus, don't trust the drb3 emulator either nor any jbox. I believe Chrysler is the most sensitive one when it comes to the tool being used. ford is not that bad, they allow a few other modules besides powertrain, specially after 2010, even timed pats but still kind of limited compared to gm, ids is a must but autel jbox works pretty good, mazda as well. Nissan passtru and ners the same, powertrain only and it takes for ever, specially on blank tcm, the reason I don't use it, consult 3 plus is a must, autel jbox works very well.  same for japs except  Honda, lots of issues here on their software but the new hds configured with autel jbox works excellent. on  Europeans I mostly stay away as far as possible, have not time for this over engineered, senseless  and pampered vehicles.
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