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Communities > MaxiCheck > EPB > HELP! Scanner (AL619) not working!
HELP! Scanner (AL619) not working!

15057 Views 24 Replies Latest reply: 2025-01-06 00:38:00

  •   Level 2   
    (13) points
    2014-03-15 13:39:01
     I just bought a used AL619 Autolink scanner and it did NOT come with a TF card (micro SD). When I power up the unit, either by plugging it into my vehicle OR my computer, the only thing it will do is show a screen with a pic of the scanner itself and an SD card to the right of it with an arrow pointing to the scanner like it is requesting a card to be inserted. I put in a blank card that I already had and it made no difference. At the BOTTOM RH corner of the screen it says V1.10 . Am I out of luck without the original card. or is the unit malfunctioning? I'm assuming the previous owner registered it online on the Autel site. I can't even do that because it won't go to the menu screen so I can select the about icon and get the serial number and register password. I hope I didn't get scammed. I sent a message to the company I bought it from on EBAY and I am still awaiting a response. Hope someone on here can help me out!  Thanks in advance!

  •   Level 3   
    (53) points

    2014-03-15 14:00:25 (Reply to:aburk1978)

     Hi, not sure about your model but i have an md802 and on this card is a folder named "scan" and in this folder is a file called authorization.txt. If you can get a hold of this file from the seller put it onto the new SD card and you should be able to download the files, you will probably need the original login ID and password to do this. I am sure other people on here who have the same scanner as you can either confirm this or not.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2014-10-28 21:55:20 (Reply to:aburk1978)

     Dear user, have you resovled the problem? If not, you can buy a good quality Industrial Level SD card and try again. Normally it should work. If not, please show some photos of the screen shot to us for analysis. Thanks!

  •   Level 2   
    (18) points
    Panco Garage Inc

    2016-05-06 07:26:28 (Reply to:aburk1978)

     email me, and I can send u over a zip file of the SD card. just unzip it,put it on ur SD and vwiala, u should get past that screen. I want to say that it would function like this, but it could have problems with the authorisation. so atleast if u can use the files to just boot up the scanner ten get into update mode, and update ur scanner from a PC. should work that way.

  •   Level 1   
    (6) points

    2016-12-18 06:05:12 (Reply to:Panco Garage Inc)

     I have the same problem as the user with the original post. I opened the package with my auto link al619 and there's no Tf/Sd card. I went out and bought a new sd card reader and it does nothing but say: !no boot programmer found. If it's not too much trouble could you also send me a copy of the sd card file. This device is useless without it. My email address is I'd really appreciate it. Thank You. 

  •   Level 1   
    (6) points

    2016-12-18 14:42:37

     did you find a resolution to this?

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2017-01-19 11:52:19 (Reply to:Panco Garage Inc)

     hello.please help me i have autellink al619 one of my worker remove SD card and put in phone after that when he put sd card back autolink error massage no programmer found..pls can you send authrization txt pls thanks in advance

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2017-03-04 16:51:09 (Reply to:Panco Garage Inc)


    Can you please send me the zipfile to?


  •   Level 1   
    (9) points

    2017-04-19 03:33:50


     Hello friends, it appears very obviously that files loss on the TF card is a common issue with these scanners. I too have a corrupted TF card on my AL619 and just purchased a new card.  Unfortunately, I never got around to register or install the Autel desktop suit.  Therefore, I can not retrieve any updates.   I would kindly like to ask if someone here would be so generous as to send me a copy of a back of their card for the AL619. I will only use it so that I can proceed past the insert TF card screen and access the product Serial Number and Register password.  Once I'm in, I'll purchase the software from Autel since it is Serial Number sensitive in order for me to finally register this scanner.


  •   Level 7   
    (862) points

    2017-04-24 00:00:37 (Reply to:tsoto70)

    The updates are free. And you don't need to registered anything to download the software.
    After download unzip the file and install. 
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