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Communities > MaxiCheck > Steering Angle Sensor Calibration > Vw touran steering angle sensor calibrat...
Vw touran steering angle sensor calibration

3694 Views 4 Replies Latest reply: 2021-02-02 07:31:23

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2017-06-30 11:32:51
     Hi. Is it possible to perform steering angle sensor calibration on a 2006 vw touran with my Autel MD808 PRO? If yes, how do I do it? Do I need å code?

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2018-01-05 03:22:30 (Reply to:EirikG)

     If the tool requires entry of a code you will need to obtain it from dealer

  •   Level 2   
    (15) points

    2018-04-01 05:59:24

    You do not require code, just go to basic settings of steering angle sensor under guided functions and follow instructions.

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2021-01-22 13:36:21 (Reply to:)

    Basic settings also asking security access code..... What should I do ?

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2021-02-02 07:31:23 (Reply to:)

    40168 security code for steering calibration
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