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Communities > MaxiCheck > Airbag/ABS > crash airbag opel corsa 2021
crash airbag opel corsa 2021

1083 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: 2023-01-11 18:26:13

  •   Level 2   
    (49) points

    2023-01-08 15:48:56
    Can i read and write airbag ecu opel corsa 2021 with autel il 608 pro
    Thansk for jour answer

  •   Level 9   
    (6150) points

    2023-01-11 18:25:42 (Reply to:)

    Hi,just give it a try,maybe its possible,if not change the ecu or let the chrash data be
    removed by specialists who can.

  •   Level 9   
    (6150) points

    2023-01-11 18:26:13 (Reply to:)

    Hi,just give it a try,maybe its possible,if not change the ecu or let the chrash data be
    removed by specialists who can.
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