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MD802 Maxidiag Elite All systems will not communicate with components, no SRS/ARS 2002 CLK 430?

8784 Views 10 Replies Latest reply: 2018-01-13 22:23:29

  •   Level 2   
    (25) points
    2014-11-20 20:33:12
     Found out my Benz has the 38 pin connector under the hood and the 16 PIN ODBDII connector under the dash. I have have downloaded latest PC Version 6.31 as well as latest OBDII and all Benz updates.   Battery is charged, tested with the key in the last position before starting the engine.  According to the MD802 the 16 Pin under the dash is primary for engine, 38 pin under the hood is for additional systems.  Unit pulls my vin and performs some test, or I go under Mercedes and select until I get the 208.370 CLK 430. Under my saved scan shows ECU Data = ML Status Off, 0 codes found, Monitors N/A = 1, Monitors OK 9, Monitors INC 0, lots of saved data, modules present = Protocol  KWP 2000 ID $10,  Either way I choose my vehicle, go to scan, on the 38 Pin connector, watch it go through the testing each control unit I get the same error unable to communicate with module or the full system scan ends with no status. Never even saw anything to do with the SRS/ARS as far as a module. Really disappointed.  I looked long and hard before finally selecting the Autel Maxidiag Elite MD802 All Systems over the Launch CRP129 Auto Code Reader OBDII CRP-129 Creader Professional CRP 129 OBD2 Scanner. Anyone have any ideas? On anther forum one of the members mentioned reverting back to the previous BENZ update, deleted the latest version and downloaded the previous.  Still same results, I know both the 16 pin OBDII Connector under dash is communicating because I get Live data and under OBDII scan it gives me the status of my system's monitors as far as the Mercedes 38 pin under the hood it links, detects and pulls my vin.   

  •   Level 3   
    (55) points

    2014-11-22 14:26:58 (Reply to:Bluemerc)

      I responded to this same question you posted in another section. I believe the problem most likely is with your 38 pin adapter. Where did you get the adapter, how much was it, and can you be certain that all of the necessary pins are wired?  My experience with these 38 pin adapters is that unless you get a good one, only the engine control module k line will be wired and you will have no access to any of the other systems. This is especially true of the adapters you find on ebay. I have been through several of them, including one where in the listing they provided a schematic to show it was fully wired, only to find out when it arrived that it was not. A proper Mercedes 38 pin adapter is tough to find unless you are willing to spend the money for an official one. If you have one of the ebay 16 pin to 38 pin adapters, there should be a couple of screws in the 38 pin side. Open your adapter up if possible and tell us how many pins are wired on the 38 pin side. You've got to rule out the adapter before looking at a software issue.

  •   Level 2   
    (12) points

    2014-11-25 15:30:07 (Reply to:Bluemerc)

     The only 38 pin adapter that works is the autel db15 femaled 38 pin adapter colored red described for use with the autel md 702.   It is a red colored unit with a big flat square box at one end.  Tried other adapters from cheap to really expensive ones (Tip:  Do not buy the expensive autel CONKIT - tried it and it does not work.  You will need a male to male cable adapter to connect it with the MD802.   This adapter scans all modules that the md802 is capable of scanning.  Hope this helps/

  •   Level 3   
    (55) points

    2014-11-27 20:07:26 (Reply to:hazelrd)

     I'm curious to know what's going on in the big flat end. A circuit board? 

  •   Level 2   
    (12) points

    2014-11-30 22:16:22 (Reply to:jgins)

     This autel db15 connector is EXPENSIVE.  My curiosity is not sufficient enough to void the warranty or mess it up by opening  the thing.  All I know is that this item WORKS.  Those cheap ebay 38 pin adapter do NOT work.  Also, the very expensive autel CONKIT does not work.  How do we know - we tried them all. Maybe Autel can give you a fuller explanation of this item and its schematics - but I doubt it since it would be proprietary info.  Find a dealer that you can buy this item and return it if it does not work for you.  hope this helps.

  •   Level 2   
    (24) points

    2015-11-24 17:28:46 (Reply to:jgins)

    I opened up my Autel Benz-38 adapter, and indeed there is a circuit board inside there with multiple chips.
    It also appears that most/all of the 38 wires are there as well.

    I recently ran into an issue where my MD802 could not scan natively out of OBD2 port on 2001 MB e320 USA 4Matic. I was able to scan in OBD2 mode, but I am interested in specific car modules, which are not supported in OBD2 mode only. As original poster, I am able to get VIN of the car, but actual scan resulted in no results.

    After doing internet search, I skipped buying the cheap ebay adapters and bought official Autel Benz-38 from Maxidas 708. I plan on using it this week and will report on success or failure.

  •   Level 2   
    (24) points

    2015-11-30 01:02:39 (Reply to:maxud)

    As promised, here is an update from this weekend.

    I ended up buying Benz-38 adapter from Maxidas DS-708 kit. I tested this adapter today with 2001 MB E320 4Matic (USA).
    It worked perfectly and read all the car's modules. I used it with my MD802 (all system) scanner.
    In addition to Benz-38 adapter, I had to get Autel 15 pin cable that connects to both MD802 and Benz-38 adapter.
    Hope this info helps you,

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2017-06-06 13:46:04 (Reply to:maxud)

      Can you please post a pic of the 15 pin cable.

    Thank you.

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points

    2017-06-08 22:12:00 (Reply to:Bluemerc)

     I'm in the same boat, so to speak. I have a 99 and a 2000 Benz and can only get engine codes.  I was curious if you ever got the 38 to work and if so how much info can you actually get from it? Is it worth the extra cost? Appears a cable will cost as much as the reader. 

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points

    2017-09-20 17:40:51 (Reply to:maxud)

     I am trying to buy this thing with out much luck.  I can find the 38 pin cable but can not find a reference to the other cable you speak of. Do you have a part number? Also on the Maxi scan site there are two 38 pin cables listed, are they the same or is that simply an oversite?
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