3640 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2015-07-09 15:17:33
Recently bought my new MD704.
I have a message on the screan display of my Renault Espace IV type JKOA (2007, 2.0 T petrol) " check ABS/ESP".
According to the manual received with my new MaxiDiag Elite MD704 page 74 (chapter 8.3 ABS Maintenance)
i should choice from the EPB menu "EPB"or "ABS" (figure 8.2, page 70).
Following your instructions the term "ABS" does not show up as it should according to figure 8.2 (only EPB is
indicated !).
With my older (2012) MaxiDiag FR704 i was able to read the DTC codes for the ABS system, indicating : DF010
"hydraulic pump circuit".
Now i want to test the ABS pump. (in running modus for 5 seconds) checking if the pump
has a mechanical or an electrical failure.
Can you please instruct me how to do this ?? (with my new MD704)
Awaiting your response, i remain,
Floris Meulenberg