2015-12-03 12:21:05
I got an issue connecting MD802 all systems +DS to a 1999 Hyundai Galloper 3.0, petrol, unleaded, 5-door, LWB.
Its a pre OBD-II vechicle (basically a late Pajero/Montero Mk1 copy),
with the early Mitsubishi/Hyundai 12 pin plug,
so I use the Autel‘s Mitsubishi/Hyundai 12 pin adapter.
MD 802 is unable to connect to *any* system (engine/abs/immo/srs),
either when doing a full scan, either picking a system manually.
I tried with Hyundai software ver#: 3.02 & 3.50.
According to vehicle coverage function list, Galloper‘s engine *might* be supported (unleaded is supported though...),
the other 3 systems (srs/abs/immo) are supported.
I know that the diagnostic plug is ok since we can connect fine using dealer‘s hi-scan.
I also tried connecting using a cheap/generic 12pin to OBDII adapter from e-bay (not autel‘s),
and was only able to successfully connect to srs and read/reset code(s) with MD802.
So, I suppose, there could be something wrong(?) with the Autels mitsubishi/Hyundai adapter.
Any chance we could solve this?