4728 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: 2024-01-21 21:48:25
Dear Customers,
The update of our hand-held models will be free since August 10, 2016, this change includes models below:
MD802, MD701, MD702, MD703, MD704, MOT PRO, Maxicheck series(Maxicheck Pro, Maxicheck AbsSrs, Maxicheck DPF, Maxicheck EPB, Maxicheck Oilreset, Maxicheck SAS), TS501,TS601,VAG505,EBS301,OLS301,AL609(AL609EU),AL619(AL619EU)
All units whose update subscription expired before August 10, will be able to update as well after we finish adjusting all update info in our server(this takes about one month). If you need urgent update recently before we finish the adjustment, please mail to support@autel.com with the S/N of your Autel product.
Best regards,
Autel Support