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Communities > MaxiDiag Elite > MD702 > Change language of MaxiDiag Elite MD702 ...
Change language of MaxiDiag Elite MD702 to English or/both Swedish

3058 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2016-12-20 13:00:49

  •   Level 2   
    (10) points
    2016-12-20 13:00:49
     Dear Autelsupport

    After I updated my MD702 I noticed that it is in German language and I had it in englsih before. Trying to change it it replies NOT SUPPORTED or something about Autorizing Not Allowed. Since I am from Sweden I was wondering is it possible to change the language to both or is it only possible to use one language?

    I would prefer then to Swedish if possible
    My unit has the nr MDE314000390

    best regards

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