Hi there ,I have 2009 CITROEN NEMO 1.4HDI LX VAN that has reached the 30,000 km mark,And in doing so the service dash warning spanner symbol and SERVICE COUPON HAS EXPIRED wording has appear.I got my Autel OLS301 today and plug it in two try and erase the service command code, But no luck,I have try it several times,Step one enter manufacture: Citroen: Step two enter model: Nemo ;Step three enter 17 digit Vin number :VF7AA8HSC84219026 :Step Four save and continue,Step five oil reset press ok,Then i get message check ignition is on ,Check cables are connected ,check battery is charged etc.All are fine,This tool does not seem to support the Citroen Nemo model.But it has Nemo listed on the scroll down menu of manufactures Citroen models,Can any body help me find a solution to make this machine work on my vehicle please,Thank You Brian.