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Communities > MaxiService > OLS301 > i have just got a ols 301 oil serv tool ...
i have just got a ols 301 oil serv tool and i have found out that their are no fords on obd 11 and the fords on the service side are all usAPLEASE help as cannot do these cars in brit

3769 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: 2014-08-19 13:13:00

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    neil glen mcmaster
    2013-12-13 10:41:03
     the scan tool ols301  has no fords they are all the USA cars can i have help so i can use the tool on fords in brit and scotland like the ford focus transit fiesta ect  can any one help to solve this 

  •   Level 5   
    (289) points

    2014-06-22 17:50:38 (Reply to:neil glen mcmaster)

     Ford euro?

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2014-08-19 13:13:00 (Reply to:neil glen mcmaster)

     i am in the usa so not 100% but when i got mine, i downloaded the Autel suite software, ran it and hooked up the micro SD card from the tool.

    I then had a bunch of software available for download, i assume relevant to my location, if you set up your account as UK i would expect you to have Euro Ford options, unless....

    good luck

    Simon Briggs

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