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Communities > Automotive Oscilloscope > MaxiScope MP408 > connecting to maxisys ms908
connecting to maxisys ms908

4160 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2017-01-21 12:06:42

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points
    2016-08-05 23:49:18
     Any idea on how to connect the scope to the maxisys ms906 scanner. the scanner has a micro usb port. is there some type of adapter???

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2016-08-06 04:32:46 (Reply to:kelkam98)

      What are you trying to connect scope to , a MS 908 or a MS906? I think a USB to micro USB adapter is what might be needed , I think the MP408 might work off a MS908 but might not be supported on the regular MS906.You might be better off using the MP408 off a laptop PC. .   I watched a you tube video where a guy was having issues with his one year or two year old  ms908 shutting down  trying to run the scope off it and then the guy started using  the battery clip power adapter off the car to  supply auxillary power to his MaxiSys  instead of using the AC adapter power supply with extension cord and was having a ground isolation issue with the scope trying to check a voltage drop on the same vehicle, that the battery clip adapter was being used to charge MaxiSys battery.

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points
    2016-08-07 00:03:46 (Reply to:witsend)
     It's a ms906 scanner and the scope is the mp408. Sorry for the lack of info. correction on the usb, the ms906 has a mini usb, not micro. The manual states that the mp408 can be used in conjunction with the ms906 or 908, but I think now that it was misleading. I can see the ground loop being created using that car supply power. I kinda figured it would need an adapter, but i wasn't sure if Autel had their own. I ordered one from amazon & it should be here Monday. I will give a shot & post back the results. That's the main reason I bought the mp408 was because  of the supposedly compatibility between the two (mp408 & ms906) Had I known that i would have bought the Hantec Scope. To use with the laptop. I just got both of them Thursday in the mail (mp-408 & ms906)

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2016-08-07 13:58:36 (Reply to:kelkam98)

     I think support mentioned that the base MS906 cost point scanner that replaces the DS708)does not natively support Bentley and Maserati car makes nor does it support the Maxi scope or the Max video like MS906 BT  (Blue tooth VCI) .version.Maybe you can download the app?

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points
    2016-08-07 22:27:04 (Reply to:witsend)
     downloaded the app, & connected the mp408 scope to the ms906 using the usb adapter, no luck. will not power the unit(no green light). So I hook the 408 to a powered usb hub then connected the ms906 to the hub as well, the unit will power up, but the ms906 will not detect the scope, that sucks because that was the main reason for buying the scope. You need to be well versed on the functionality of an oscilloscope in order to use the software, because it comes with no support, I will use this for my vehicles in conjunction with  which gives pictures of desired wave patterns for a given device, so I guess I'll just hold on to it & keep tinkering until I get use to it. So in a nut shell, the ms906 will not support the mp408 scope

  •   Level 1   
    (0) points

    2017-01-21 12:06:42 (Reply to:kelkam98)

    I would reccomend visiting the local computer or cell phone store to find the
    appropriate cable. USB is USB and comes in many sizes most have similar functions
    just s variety of shapes. I am more a computer geek than an ecu authority I can't see
    you doing any harm if its the right adapter at each end it will work. Don't hammer it i.
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